Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Works in progress

 Here is a couple of pieces in progress, I enjoy posting in- progress pieces so everyone can see them change and grow as they are worked on.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Please Read!

          Hello everyone! I'm finally back on my feet and on track with our very busy spring. I wanted to write a little about our wonderful and talented reception staff. I find it baffling that not only do some customers not want to speak to the front desk receptionist about what they are looking for, but are actually rude to them! So, I would like to explain the role of reception and our shop manager.
          Mandrake Tattoo Firstly has a shop Manager, Laura who is literally my "right hand woman". She is in charge of all the functions of the front of the shop. This includes a lions share of work including ordering all supplies, cleanliness, sales, retail, and reception staff. But most importantly she manages ALL of the artists schedules. She and the reception staff will take the time to work with you on your design, find images for you, and point you in the direction of the right artist for you if you don't already have one.
The rest of the reception staff is also trained to manage and book appointments, work with the client, clean and do data entry.
           Guess what would happen if we didn't have people to work at the front desk....that's right, not a whole lot of tattooing because our time would get eaten by all these tasks. Your appointment would be constantly interrupted and we would be consistently be running late for appointments. Artwork would come to a standstill as the artists would have no extra time to do it, because even though the machine may not be running this doesn't mean we are not busy in back working on drawings. We are truly fortunate to be a very busy shop and really need the time to focus on tattoo and the best custom art possible!
          To make a long story short, please treat our reception staff with respect...Make them smile....bring them a coffee......They are truly trying to make your experience here at Mandrake the best one possible!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Its been a long time

 For those who haven't been in recently I have been gimping around since my knee surgery in February. I have been able to keep up with my work schedule but I have been a little slowed down with the extras like the blog. to the left you can see the awesome photoshop job rob did for me as this is what I pretty much look like these days! I am thankful that the shop has been super busy, all of us have been pretty booked up! I love all the business! I just decided to include a couple of pieces Ive done recently just to start the ball rolling again...Ill be back soon!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This is the finished work for an ongoing project started last year. The piece took 11 hours total and was done in two sittings. This is a tribute to the clients Father who is the portrait in the upper center of his back.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Those who know me know that I am a workaholic who is constantly pressed for time. So that being said I have been trying to take one day a week to create some artwork. I have truly missed the freedom to be creative on my own terms. Hopefully this year I will have some spectacular artwork to show off to you all.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Loooove it!

Working our way to finishing this back piece. It has no lines and absolutely no black. Just an array of bright colors which gives it a watercolor effect.
The colors in the center are about three years old and as you can see they have remained bright and beautiful.
This can be attributed to the excellent care the client puts into her skin (she is an esthetician), as well as no tanning which will fade your color.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The continuing saga

 This client has been working on a body suit for the past few years. He comes in for long stretches of time over the winter months and takes the summers off. This is the smartest way to go about getting tattooed. During the summer months, you must keep the tattoo out of the sun and water while its healing which puts a damper on the usual summer activities. Also its nice to have your tattoos healed and ready to go once the warmer months hit!