Hello folks! I have to switch up how Ive been working with this blog. I haven't meant to disappoint you all by not regularly posting. I will continue to post as frequently as possible but I have to make some changes......Usually I come home from work and post... BUT there have been days where I have been getting home late, and have been WAY too exhausted to even think of posting! Also I have been having some house guests staying with me which has made it a little hard to camp out in front of the computer to write!
My plan of action is to post the highlights of the previous day in the morning...after coffee and after my mind has cleared a bit. Thank you all for being so patient!
That being said...The line art piece above I need to tell you the specifics of this piece. This was a drawing the customer brought in to me and wanted the piece EXACTLY as she had drawn it.....soooo........that's exactly what she got! enough said!
The second piece tribal with scorpion was done for a customer who I haven't seen in a couple of years and chose this piece online to be done on his forearm. His wife will be coming in a few days to get a Scorpio piece as well. Both of them share the same astrological sign and decided to get pieces to symbolize their union as well as their collective signs.